What we have here is a "5-minute Valentines Box". That's what you make when your child gives you the note telling you that he needs to bring a valentine box for his valentines the day before he needs to bring his valentine box to school.
Supplies for this project are:
1 red shoe box
1 lego catalog
1 boy (this project is definitely geared more for a boy; it requires little thought.)
1 easily irritated mom
optional items:
random plastic toy (to tape on top; see instructions.)
Instructions for construction of Valentine Box:
Find the box.
Find the glue.
Find the scissors.
Have child cut out pictures of random lego toys. Overcome your OCD self and pay no attention to the fact that the pictures are cut all jiggidy-jaggidy.
YOU glue pictures to box because you cannot be expected to overcome that much OCD.
Try to place the pictures randomly and not symmetrically; random is more pleasing to the eye.
As a final touch you could add your optional random toy. After child has gone to bed, secure the toy with tape. Because there is no way it is going to stay stuck.
What would kids do without their easily irritated moms?
I hope my box wins first place!
That's my kind of project. How are you so funny!!!! I've been laughing for 10 minutes.